30 March 2014

Stamp Pad

Stamp Pad theme comes with:
almost 90 icons
6 wallpapers
2 SMS backgrounds
biteSMS theme
color keyboard theme


You will be redirected to the download page upon checkout, it may take some time for you to be able to download the file because this is quite a large file. On the other hand, you can email me using the PayPal email you used or show me your receipt for me to send to you the download link if ever it doesn't load / you were not able to get it. :)

  • Color Keyboard: transfer the StampPad CK folder to the color keyboard themes folder through this path: Library > Color Keyboard > Themes
  • biteSMS: transfer the StampPad BiteSMS folder to the biteThemes folder through this path: var > mobile > Library > biteThemes
  • Wallpapers are located in the iPhone 4 and iPhone 5 folders while the SMS backgrounds are seen right away in the main folder.

29 March 2014

Washi Love

The Washi Love theme includes:
Almost 90 icons
8 Wallpapers
2 SMS backgrounds
color keyboard theme
biteSMS theme
4 zeppelins
passcode lock and dialer theme
signal meters and wifi bars
settings toggle knob
notification badges
control center slider
respring / reboot logo

You will be redirected to the download page upon checkout, it may take some time for you to be able to download the file because this is quite a large file. On the other hand, you can email me using the PayPal email you used or show me your receipt for me to send to you the download link if ever it doesn't load / you were not able to get it. :)

  • to make use of the notification badges, first download Classic Badges from Cydia and apply via Winterboard.
  • Using iFile:
    • transfer the Zeppelins folder to Library > Zeppelins
    • transfer the folder Washi Love CK to Library > Color Keyboard > Themes
    • transfer the folder WashiLoveBiteSMS folder to var > mobile > Library > biteThemes
  • The wallpapers are also found in the folders named iPhone 4 and iPhone 5 depending on the size of your devices, while SMS backgrounds are located in the main folder (you'll see them right away).

25 March 2014

Pink Love (freebie)

Thanks to everyone who supported the Weekend Sale! Here's an advanced Wednesday Goodie free theme for everyone! Hope you like it!

Pink Love theme comes with:
more than 80 icons
4 wallpapers
dialer and passcode lock theme
color keyboard
reboot / respring logo

Note: This theme is tested to work for devices running iOS7. To use the color keyboard, open the theme folder and locate the Pink Love CK folder and cut then transfer through this path:
Library > Color Keyboard > Themes

24 March 2014

Alu (free icon set)

Alu icon set comes with more than 70 icons.
*Wallpaper not included. The wallpaper on the screenshot is not mine. :)

19 March 2014

Sticker Labels (freebie)

Here's your Wednesday goodie for the week!
Sticker Labels theme comes with:
almost 70 icons
3 wallpapers

Don't forget to tag me in your setups! I would love to see how you stylize your screenies! :)

18 March 2014

Bubbly (Freebies)

It's my first time making a color keyboard theme, so here's a freebie matching the Bubbly theme from the previous post. :)
Tweak needed: Color Keyboard from Cydia
Download the zip file folder below, open in iFile, unarchive and transfer to the Themes folder through this path:
Library > Color Keyboard > Themes
Then select the theme on Settings and respring.

Bubbly Dialer (freebie)
Download the zip file folder below, open in iFile, unarchive and transfer the file to the Themes folder through this path: var > stash > Themes.xxxx
(Same process when applying a theme)
Apply and respring via Winterboard.

17 March 2014


The Bubbly Theme includes:
almost 90 icons
10 wallpapers
an SMS background
notification badge
control center slider
signal and wifi bars

You will be redirected to the download page upon checkout. Please be patient because sometimes it takes time for it to load. If you were not able to get the download link, you can email me using the email linked to your PayPal or show me the receipt and I will send it to you. :)

Don't forget to tag me with your setups! I would love to see how you stylize your screenies!
Instagram: stylizedthemes

14 March 2014


The Scribbles Theme includes:
almost 90 icons
8 wallpapers


You will be redirected to the download page upon checkout. Please be patient because sometimes it takes time for it to load. This theme is quite a large file, if you were not able to get the download link, you can email me using the email linked to your PayPal or show me the receipt and I will send it to you within 24 hours. Please bear with me as we might have different time zones. :)

Don't forget to tag me with your setups! I would love to see how you stylize your screenies!
Instagram: stylizedthemes

12 March 2014

Hearts Signal & Wifi Bars (freebie)

Here's a little freebie! Hearts signal and wifi bars, screen orientation lock and magnifier!
Plus a zeppelin to match it!

11 March 2014

Vintage Flora

The Vintage Flora theme includes:
over 90 icons
7 wallpapers
an SMS background
keypad dialer and passcode lock dialer

You will be redirected to the download page upon checkout. Please be patient because sometimes it takes time for it to load. This theme is quite a large file, if you were not able to get the download link, you can email me using the email linked to your PayPal or show me the receipt and I will send it to you within 24 hours. Please bear with me as we might have different time zones. :)

Don't forget to tag me with your setups! I would love to see how you stylize your screenies!
Instagram: stylizedthemes

10 March 2014

Tiffany's Box

The Tiffany's Box Theme includes:
almost 90 icons
9 wallpapers
SMS background
control center slider

- $3.50 -
You will be redirected to the download page upon checkout. Please be patient because sometimes it takes time for it to load. If you were not able to get the download link, you can email me using the email linked to your PayPal or show me the receipt and I will send it to you. :)

Don't forget to tag me with your setups! I would love to see how you stylize your screenies!
Instagram: stylizedthemes

08 March 2014

Mystique Mint

The Mystique Mint theme includes:
over 85 icons
7 wallpapers
SMS background
dialer and passcode lock dialer theme

- $3.50 -
You will be redirected to the download page upon checkout. Please be patient because sometimes it takes time for it to load. If you were not able to get the download link, you can email me using the email linked to your PayPal or show me the receipt and I will send it to you. :)

Don't forget to tag me with your setups! I would love to see how you stylize your screenies!
Instagram: stylizedthemes

07 March 2014


The Blossoms Theme includes:
75+ icons
11 wallpapers
notification badge
signal and wifi bars
camera grabber
control center masks and slider
phone and lockscreen dialer
HUDS icons for ringer and volume

- $3.50 -

You will be redirected to the download page upon checkout. Please be patient because sometimes it takes time for it to load. If you were not able to get the download link, you can email me using the email linked to your PayPal or show me the receipt and I will send it to you. :)

Don't forget to tag me with your setups! I would love to see how you stylize your screenies!
Instagram: stylizedthemes